Saturday, 25 February 2012

Craft Day

Last night when the was rain bucketing down I made the decision to not go into the shop today. I had planned to do some dyeing but knew the fabric wouldn’t dry. A day at home creating would do me good.
fabric drink coasters
I started making some fabric coasters. Probably should have kept going until I finished them but today wasn’t about shoulds. Besides I didn’t feel like doing detail work. I was in a scrappy mood.
fabric collage
 Grabbed some fabric and did a bit more on the fabric collage I have been working on. Then I ran out of glue….. thread scraps
Delved into my bag of thread scraps, found some fabric strips  and started twisting.
fabric scrap twist brooch
Still need to add brooch backs to these. Will make a few more before I start that step, I haven’t even made a dent in that thread bag.
PS The sun came out.

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