Tuesday, 27 May 2008

Quick Update

I know I haven't posted much since I burnt my fingers. They are healing nicely but they are very sensitive. I wasn't able to do much initially but eventually I found some stuff I could manage.

I snapped some nature photos.

This very small patch of frost is about all we'll get this winter.

This spider's web looked a little like a CD when the sun hit it. That interest waned very quickly.

I decided I could graffiti some jeans. I used a roller to add the splashes of Red & Black.

This a detail shot

I also experimented with paint on fabric. I had some left on the roller and just emptied onto the fabric. This first piece is Gold and Red.

I then dye painted over the top. I chose brown.I was actually surprised at how intense the colour was. I though that it would be quite a bit lighter. It drowns out the red. You live and learn.

Next I got out the print blocks I cut. Yes, the ones I finished before I cut my fingers.

I also dyed some one piece baby suits.They were small enough for me to manage with one hand.

I'm hoping that next week I can get back to dyeing. Then again, I am enjoying the printing....


Anonymous said...

Love those jeans. Bet they were snapped up

Anonymous said...

Can't wait to see the finished prints.