Saturday 20 August 2011

Kids Kumihimo

August is Craft Month in Brisbane City Council Libraries. A friend of a friend asked me to conduct a Kumihimo Class at the library she worked at. She organised for me to have their large display case for the entire month as well.DSCF7625

The display case certainly generated some interest, the class was fully booked out. We even convinced some young teenagers who were at the library to study to have a go before they hit the books. Ok, that wasn’t hard.DSCF7626

This little girl was, at 5 years, one of the youngest in the group. I talked her through 2 sequences of moves and she was off on her own. After about 20 mins she took her disc off to the children’s play area and continued to braid.

Most of the children were older and managed to make 2 different structures before our time  was up. Hopefully we now have a couple more kumi enthusiasts in our midst.

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