Saturday 14 May 2011

Colour Therapy

I realized during the week that I didn’t have many ‘greens’ left in my Eco Dyed Threads. In fact I had none at all in rayon. I grabbed my blues and yellows and started mixing.DSCF7409While they were doing their thing I grabbed some Sun Dyes  and a silk off cut. DSCF7406 I purchased these for a children’s class I started around 3 years ago. They go a loooong way.DSCF7407 There was no real plan here. I just painted colour on, the secondary colours were mixed directly on the fabric. When I started I also didn’t have a plan for what I was going to use for a resist.DSCF7408 This is the security screen we slide into place when the back barn door is open. It was the perfect size.DSCF7411 End result. Now, what to do with it?


Chrisy said...

oh you clever could just just stretch this over a canvas and hang it on the wall...

Melinda said...

The finished piece is so striking. Can't wait to see it finished.