Sunday 12 September 2010

The Crafter's Way 151- The Atlas of Crystal Forms

 This week's Messenger column features "The Atlas of Crystal Forms" exhibition. Last week’s column featured an exhibition of Magazine covers by Rolling Stone in artisan’s Gallery space. Right next door in artisan’s Crucible space is an exhibition by Michael Hofmeyer.
Hofmeyer trained in Florence under an Italian Master Goldsmith and the Italian influence is obvious in the intricate workmanship and inventive design of the elaborate clasps. Fabulous jewellery featuring uncut diamonds has been a trademark of Hofmeyer’s work for many years but he has seen an increasing interest in the use of uncut diamonds from clients in recent times. “Not that long ago very few people would have chosen uncut diamonds but the desire for truly distinctive jewellery and a rising concern about blood diamonds is making people much more aware”, said Hofmeyer who sources his diamonds from ethical miners.

The inspiration for the exhibition was the discovery of an antique book on crystallography, Atlas der Kristallformen. “This book provided me with a rare opportunity to view an incredible variety of crystal geometric forms which in turn offered endless design possibilities,” said Hofmeyer.

For this exhibition Hofmeyer travelled to India and had gem material, including aquamarine, golden beryl, tourmaline, morganite, crystal quartz, emerald and ruby ‘host crystal’, cut into beads to his exact specifications. The exhibition will feature stunning necklaces set with tiny gems, including uncut diamonds which naturally form in a cube or octahedron. Hofmeyer’s shapes reflect the geometry of crystal forms but also highlight the brilliant colours and mysterious luminous properties of each gem. Hofmeyer believes, “There is more to these beautiful crystals than meets the eye. They have a mysterious quality that is not just physical, and for me they represent our connection to the earth.”

Atlas of Crystal Forms is at artisan from 2nd Sept- 2 Oct. 381 Brunswick Street Fortitude Valley Q 4006

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