Sunday, 21 December 2008

The Crafters Way 78 - Some Light Reading

This is the last 'The Crafters' Way' for 2008. The Messenger takes a well deserved break until the 17th of January. If you prefer to view the article in magazine format visit

Some Light Reading

Once the rush of Christmas is over you can take some time to browse through some of the latest blog readings. while not technically a blog this is worth a visit. They have lots of craft tips and tutorials for adults, kids and recycling. If craft isn’t really your cup of tea then you may enjoy the cooking sections. It easy to navigate and you could find yourself book marking the site for future reference. giveaways are rampant on blogging sites. The authors offer prizes in return for comments. This site gathers the giveaways together. It lists the site (with a link), the prize, the end date and if its open to worldwide entrants. If you love a competition pop over and have a look. I’ve just entered one to win a pair of jeans and a shirt of my choice. The authors make most of the prizes however some have been ‘sponsored’ by manufacturers. Still it’s a fun site to visit. If you have children this site may provide you with some school holiday activities. Even if you don’t and paper is your preferred medium this is a great site. It features free printables and paper models for all ages and skill level. They have also listed links to other sites. While this site is a bit fussy for my liking it has some wonderful tutorials. If you can ignore the banner ads all over the place it is actually an easy site to navigate. The site not only features articles and tutorials by the author but also by guest authors. This style of provides you with more diverse projects. if you’ve made a New Year’s resolution to take up a craft this site is for you. The whole site is dedicated to Victorian Era inspired crafts. If you have never picked up a needle and thread they have extensive instructions, diagrams and information to get you started. There is also plenty there for the more experienced as well. Lots of other crafts as well.

Have a wonderful, safe and relaxing Christmas. See you in the New Year.

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