Friday 12 September 2008

More Dyed Lace

Lots more Lace Dyeing today.

I scored a couple of designer skirts at an op shop, labels intact. Of course I didn't take a 'before' photo. The skirts were cream cotton with a cream lace underskirt.
The dyeing process is the same as Yesterdays except because I was using a combination of colours it was much messier.
I wrapped the cotton overskirt in plastic bags to protect them from the dye. I will dye them but I want to wait and see how the thickened dye dries first.
With the left over thickened dye from each skirt I dyed some more of Linda's lace.

The dye seeping through the lace left some interesting patterns on the shower curtains.

Ididn't have any fabric prepared so I grabbed some butchers paper and did these monoprints.

And then I started heat setting all the lace.

It could takes days.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Wow well done using cold reactive dyes on synthetic lace. The colour is real vibrant.