Came in the next morning and washed out all the pieces. Here it is drying on the line at the back of the shop.
Before I left Wednesday afternoon I dyed another batch and left that to soak overnight. came in yesterday and washed it out and hung it out to dry. As my dyeng was up to date I decided to spend the rest of the day working on my lino prints and foam stencils.
This is where I should have stopped. Had a cup of tea, read a magazine and bludged. But no! My type A personality told me to keep going and make use of every little minute. I was using my hot knife to cut out the foam stencils. It was working a treat, clean cuts in next to no time. I dropped the tool. As it was dropping I can clearly remember thinking HOT, SHARP; but I still grabbed it between by thumb and finger. Big mistake resulting in an emergency trip to the Doctors and 2 severly burned fingers.
Now I had big plans for my day off. I was going to start embellishing some denim jackets and get out the sewing machine. Never mind. I have some threads already wound onto bobbins so I guess I can always do some kumihimo.
Ouch! I hope you'll be ok.
It is funny how our body reacts faster than our mind sometimes. It happened to me in 2005 with an antique sword I was re-hilting... my brain shouted "move your hand", my hand just brushed against the edge of the blade as it was sliding off the sheath. It sliced the side of my hand through the abductor digiti quinti muscle and stopped at the small metacarpal bone.
The funny thing is that the cut was not painful, it just felt cold during the cut and warm afterwards. Luckily the blade was perfectly clean and the cut healed to leave a tiny scar. All in all, I was more scared of potential damage to the sword than to me.
Your fabric colours are always so intense. I wish mine turned out so striking.
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