Tuesday 23 August 2011

More Nature Photos from the Park

Every year a couple of snakes hibernate in Alan’s shed. This year they have been missing. We wondered if they had been swept away in the floods. This week Alan was happy to see ‘Monty’ had returned.DSCF7666

And with a twinkle in his eye.DSCF7667

You rarely see the feral cats out and about during daylight hours. DSCF7662

Alan said it wasn’t too happy about being disturbed. He was more worried about the cat than the snake.

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We know why the turkey crossed the road.DSCF7657

What you looking at?DSCF7658

A Rainbow Lorikeet high in the trees, probably hiding from the cat.


Sue Grier said...

Hey Trish where was the photo of the feral cat taken? It looks like my lost cat from 3 years ago.


Hot Fudge said...

Eeeeek!!! Snake!!!! Mind you, I agree with Alan - I'd be more concerned about the feral cat. We had a turkey cross the road in front of us yesterday - we had never seen one before in Sydney. Let's hope the toads don't hear about it!

Trish Goodfield said...

Sue, Alan took that photo at Old Petrie Town down near his workshop.