Thursday, 18 December 2008

Japanese Braid

This is the first braid I did on the takadai when I was in Japan last year. We tried heaps of different patterns.

Of course there wasn't enough hours in the day to finish it so we were shown how to take it off the stand and wind it up so that we could take it home and finish it. Obviously the instructions were lost in the translation. Naomi, one of the Japanese participants, showed me how to do this. She did one side I did the other. Naomi's side unpacked and rewound onto the bobbins perfectly. My side, well..... I eventually managed to get the threads rewound onto the bobbins.

Now I have absolutely no idea what I was doing so of course I'm going to un- braid. I am discovering that this takes a lot more concentration than braiding forwards. Should be fun.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'm sure that is as frustrating as unpicking knitting gone wrong. I like the colour choice.