Tuesday, 16 December 2008

First Takadai Braid

After 7 1/4 hours of braiding I have finished my first takadai braid. This is the first Braid that I have attempted on my own e.g. designed, set up and braided.

This is the length of braid wrapped around the makitori-bou.

The braid is Anda-gumi with 24 Bobbins. The colours were placed in alternating order.

Here I have stitched across the end with my sewing machine then put a line of Fray Stop. I haven't really decided what I will use the braid for but this will hold it for now.

I've found the silk braids we started when in Japan last year. I have separated the silk and wound onto bobbins. I'll undo the braid mostly because I have absolutely no idea what I'm up to. Then I will start again.


Anonymous said...

Gee, 7 and a bit hours doesn't seem very long. I would have thought that it would take much longer. Mind you if I sat for 7 hours straight it would feel much longer. Can't wait to see more.

Anonymous said...

I love the colours you have chosen. Nice and bright.