Thursday, 1 May 2008

Art Dolls

Boy has these last few days been challenging. With 2 injured fingers I have been limited to what I can do. I finished the Kumihimo Braid that I had been working on, however I am unable to use it in the way that I have planned. I also can't warp more threads until I remove the bandages.

I re-read dyeing text books. All that achieved were lots of ideas sparking and more frustration.

I rearraanged the fabric in the shop. That's one thing to be grateful for. I have a good supply of current designs on hand. Its just the new stuff that is on the backburner.

Fat Quarters and 1m Fabric Lengths

I also have a good supply of hand dyed clothes.

And the silk scraves I dyed for Mother's Day

I roped Alan to give me hand to try a different way of displaying the 2m Fabric Lengths. The Stitched models of my Needlework Designs are on the wall above.

I eventually decided that I could probably manage some simple embroidery. I have never made Art Dolls. I have lots of bits of fabric that I have been saving for these sorts of small projects.
I knew that the stitching would need to be easy. Not having your thumb and forefinger to grasp the hoop, fabric etc was going to be limiting.

I drew a simple womanly shape onto cardboard and traced around it. Then I tacked it onto calico so I could pop it into a hoop. Hera are the first 3.

Detail of 1

I plan to embellish with beads, add hair etc but at this stage decided I would just stitch.

I have tacked a few more onto calico. This took me 2 hours.

I enjoyed doing this part even though it took so long. Obviously as long as I have something to do with my hands I'm happy

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